Defensive Driving Resource

Virginia Speeding Ticket

Virginia licensed drivers can volunteer to take a Driver Improvement Clinic once every two years. By volunteering to take the clinic, your Virginia driving record will be awarded five safe driving points, which will deflect five demerit points in the event of a future traffic violation. The highest safe driving point balance you may accumulate on your driving record is five points.

If over age 20, drivers can take the eight hour course via online at a website like It is important to understand that if you choose an online driver improvement clinic course, the eight hours of instruction is done online at your own pace on your own schedule. The final exam, however, must be taken in person at an approved testing center. A list of approved test centers can be found at virginiaticketschool test centers.

Drivers under age 20 must take the clinic in person, in a classroom setting.

Whether you are required to attend in a classroom, or you simply prefer it, a list of state approved Driver Training Associates’ classroom locations can be found at:

Drivertrainingassociates .

Virginia licensed drivers can also volunteer to take a Driver Improvement Clinic every two years for the purpose of insurance reduction, depending on the insurance company’s policy. A recent bill passed legislation which makes an insurance discount mandatory for drivers 55 and over. The bill does not prevent insurance companies from giving discounts to drivers based solely on age. Check with your insurance company for more details.

For more information, visit any of the following websites:

Or the clerk of court website where you received the violation.

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