Solano County Traffic School

If you received a traffic ticket in Solano County, did you know you may be able to attend a Solano County traffic school and avoid points being displayed on your California driving record? While not all traffic tickets will qualify for the Solano County traffic school, many of them will. At Driver Training Associates, we offer an 8-hour course that is informative, without being boring. It's not just eight hours of lecture, but combines:

  • Interactive technology
  • Videos
  • Animation
  • Activities

Our format is user-friendly and even a novice with computers will be able to complete the course.

How It Works

When you receive a traffic ticket, and you qualify for Solano County Traffic School, you must complete the traffic school before the ticket is due. The California DMV is electronically notified of the Solano County traffic school course completion.

In order to be eligible for Solano County Traffic School:

  • You must have a driver's license and it has to be valid.
  • There must be no Failure to Pay or Failure to Appear that are outstanding.
  • The moving infraction ticket you received must not involve an alcohol or drug violation.
  • You must not have been ticketed for speeding more than 25 m.p.h over the speed limit.

If you have a commercial driver's license it is best to contact the court because special circumstances apply to commercial drivers.

You may only attend traffic school one time in an 18-month period to have a conviction for a traffic violation remain confidential or hidden on your driving record. That 18months is determined from the time of violation to the time of violation date.

When you register for the Solano County Traffic School, you have immediate access to our course. You may sign in and out as many times as you like. You do not have to take the entire course at one time, unlike sitting in a classroom setting for eight hours at once. You may fit the course into your own schedule.

When the course is completed successfully and before your traffic ticket fines are due, you won't have to worry about your insurance company finding out about your ticket. As a result, you won't have to worry about your insurance rates going up, either.

Why Take a Solano County Traffic School Online?

Traffic schools in California fill up fast. If you can't get a seat in a course in time, you could end up paying higher insurance rates. Online traffic schools are the perfect way to take a Solana County traffic school at your pace and on your own schedule.

Registering Is Easy!

Don't let someone else dictate when and where you take Solano County traffic school. Register today for the Driver Training Associates' online traffic school!